Didn't find what you're looking for? Please contact us at guestservices@pawadayinnresort.com or call us at (270) 904-3591 and we will be happy to answer your questions!
Any daycare visit under six (6) hours is considered a half day. Any daycare six (6) hours or longer is considered a full day. Our drop off hours are flexible to accommodate your schedule. Drop off for daycare is anytime during regular business hours. We are open for daycare Monday - Friday 6:30a-7:00p and Saturdays 8:00a-5:00p. We are NOT open for daycare on Sundays.
We do not have set play hours because we understand that every guest is different. We listen to each guest. If your fur-baby is happy to be playing with their friends all day, we let them! If not, we have individual suites for any guest looking for a break during daycare. Suites are available for our guests that get too rowdy or overstimulated during co-mingled play. We let each guest have as much time as they need to calm down before re-introducing them into group play. Daycare guests are generally out 8-12 hours per day.
At Paw-A-Day Inn, we require each guest to have a mandatory temperament test in order to participate in daycare. This ensures that all guests entering the facility are suitable for co-mingled play. During each evaluation , we monitor play style to determine the most appropriate group for each dog's personality. A slow introduction into a small play group allows us to safely learn your pup's comfort and confidence level when it comes to interacting with other dogs to ensure that they have a fun experience at the Inn!
We divide play groups by size, temperament and play style. We have multiple groups for a guest to fit into for daycare based on their individual energy level. Our play groups can range from 5-20 fur-friends depending on the guests that attend on any given day. Each play group is monitored by staff to ensure appropriate play and behavior. Each group has the opportunity to play in our indoor and outdoor areas on a rotating schedule throughout the day, with outdoor potty breaks given every hour and a half. (Weather and extreme temperatures are taken into consideration to determine how long each group plays outside).
If your fur-baby requires lunch, we are happy to accommodate their needs. There is a $2 charge for meals if we serve owner brought food and a $3 charge if we serve our house kibble. Guests that receive a lunch meal will be temporarily separated from group play for feeding. Additionally, we allow extra time for meals to digest before re-introducing guests to group play to prevent health issues such as bloat.
Each guest is unique. at Paw-A-Day Inn. We understand some guest may require different accommodations or care based on breed, age, personality or special needs (geriatric accommodations, injuries, health concerns, etc.). Please discuss any special requests with us when you schedule your fur-baby's daycare or boarding reservation so we can ensure your pet's stay is exceptional! In some cases, a note from your pet's veterinarian may be required to ensure your pet is approved for our services. Additionally, services may be declined (and referred to your pet's veterinarian) based on the severity of requirements.
Daycare offers exercise and socialization for dogs that would otherwise be home alone all day. By having the opportunity to play with fur-friends under supervision, we can guarantee your pup will be tuckered out by the time they go home! Additionally, pups generally have social personalities. Not only does socialization lead to better manners but your fur-baby enjoys it! Note, that daycare is not for every pup. Some dogs do not prefer to interact with other pups and we will give you an honest assessment of your dog's interest in daycare activities at the end of their visit. Daycare is a safe space for already socialized pups to come and play, not for reactive/aggressive dogs to try to learn appropriate behavior (in this scenario, we recommend training).
At Paw-A-Day Inn, all accommodations for your pet's stay are provided. If your fur-baby has their own preferred blanket or toys, please feel free to bring those items with you. We highly recommend bringing your pet's food so they don't get an upset stomach from introducing a new diet suddenly when their GI tracts may already be a little stressed from the change in environment. If needed, please bring your pet's medication to be administered as prescribed from the veterinarian. Note, for sanitary reasons we provide stainless steel bowls for your pet's stay and do not accept any glass or ceramic bowls for safety reasons. Additionally, we do not accept any raw hide bones or any chew bones / toys that are choking hazards. We no longer accept personal pet beds as we cannot guarantee they go home in the same condition they are brought in as some pups like to chew on them. We are also unable to wash them if needed as they do not fit in our washing machine or dryer. We have plenty of bedding to ensure all guests are comfortable during their stay.
All cats must be spayed or neutered before we can provide any services.
Any pup over 11 months old must be spayed or neutered in order to participate in puppy play groups. We can still accept unaltered pets for boarding, however they are not permitted to socialize with other fur-friends during their stay.
Additionally, any female guest is not permitted to enter the facility during their heat cycle.
At Paw-A-Day Inn, we use PetDetect Identification collars. These collars automatically have Paw-A-Day's name and phone number on them and are color coded for staff to know which play group a guest is assigned. Each boarding guest receives a color collar at check in and wears them the duration of their stay.
Don't worry, these collars are specifically designed for pups so they are pet safe and made from paper with easy removal to prevent any safety hazard.
We have exciting news to share! We are now offering hair cuts again! Message us or give us a call to book your appointment today! (270) 904-3591